
Need Of SAR

The major advantage of SAR is simple: Even the best aircraft-mounted or satellite-mounted optical camera is less useful at night and useless when clouds or smoke are present. SAR can capture images at night and see right through clouds and smoke. It is a 24-hour, all-weather technology.

Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) technology leverages a radar system installed on a moving platform to generate two-dimensional images of the surface of the earth. SAR actively illuminates the ground and uses the motion of the radar antenna over a target region to provide finer spatial resolution than conventional radar.

SAR technology offers many advantages that traditional EO sensors can’t provide. In fact, high resolution imagery is just one of many derived products that can be produced from SAR data processing.

Invention of SAR

Synthetic Aperture Radar, which was developed in the 1950s as a military reconnaissance tool, was a solution to the 1940s need for an all-weather, 24-hour aerial remote surveillance device the United States Army was looking for an aerial reconnaissance tool which could see through clouds and would not depend on the hours of daylight.

Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) was invented by Carl Wiley at Goodyear Aircraft Company in Goodyear, Arizona, in 1951. From that time forward, as the company became Goodyear Aerospace Corporation, Loral Corporation, and finally Lockheed Martin Corporation, the Arizona employees past and present played a long and storied role in numerous SAR firsts.

These include the original SAR patent (known as Simultaneous Doppler Buildup), the first demonstration SAR and flight test, the first operational SAR system, the first operational SAR data link, the first 5-foot resolution operational SAR system, the first 1-foot resolution SAR system, and the first large scale SAR digital processor. The company has installed and flown over five hundred SAR systems on more than thirty different types of aircraft for numerous countries throughout the world.

Carl Wiley

Carl Wiley, working at Goodyear, Arizona, (which later became Goodyear Aerospace, and eventually Lockheed Martin Corporation) in 1951, suggested the principle that — because each object in the radar beam has a slightly different speed relative to the antenna — each object will have its own doppler shift. A precise frequency analysis of the radar reflections will thus allow the construction of a detailed image.

 Carl Wiley image
Emmet leith image
Emmett Leith

Emmett Leith, one of the pioneers of holography, believed that optical processing of the data could satisfy the requirement.In 1957, airborne synthetic aperture radar was yielding dramatic results, and the University of Michigan system had proven itself.

The First Success

In 1974, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and engineers from Jet Propulsion Laboratories began exploring the possibilities for oceanic observations using a satellite carrying a synthetic aperture radar.

SAR’s wavelengths make it sensitive to small surface roughness changes, meaning that it is ideal for monitoring surface wave patterns and currents.

SAR can measure displacement accuracy to within several millimeters. The June 1978 launch of Seasat was the first civilian application of synthetic aperture radar, and it provided a powerful new tool to scientists studying the earth

Seasat imsge
Seasat imsge

Seasat was the first Earth-orbiting satellite designed for remote sensing of the Earth's oceans and had on board one of the first spaceborne synthetic-aperture radar (SAR). The mission was designed to demonstrate the feasibility of global satellite monitoring of oceanographic phenomena and to help determine the requirements for an operational ocean remote sensing satellite system.

Seasat was managed by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory and was launched on 27 June 1978 into a nearly circular 800 km (500 mi) orbit with an inclination of 108°.[2] Seasat operated until 10 October 1978 (UTC),[1] when a massive short circuit in the Agena-D bus electrical system ended the mission.

European Space Agency (ESA)





Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)




Canadian Space Agency (CSA)



Radarsat constellation

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)




Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO)



Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR)



SAR Resolution

Azimuth Resolution :- Azimuth resolution describes the ability of an imaging radar to separate two closely spaced scatterers in the direction parallel to the motion vector of the sensor.

Range Resolution :- For the radar to be able to distinguish two closely spaced elements, their echoes must necessarily be received at different times.

 Carl Wiley image


When we are talking about the platform - most of the imaging by the Lidar system is done by airborne technique but when we are talking about optical multi spectral systems and SAR, imaging is done by both airborne as well as spaceborne techniques.


Radar and SAR both are examples of active remote sensing techniques, so both will have their own electromagnetic radiation and that electromagnetic radiation will be transmitted towards the earth surface. Optical multi spectral Is kind of a passive sensor and the sensor is acquiring the reflected sunlight to the earth surface and the imaging is done.


In the case of lidar and Optical multi spectrum, infrared and visual infrared is used but in the case of synthetic aperture radar the microwave region of electromagnetic spectrum is used to do imaging.


When we are talking about the frequency, lidar provides a single frequency data set Optical multi spectral will provide the data set in multi frequency mode. Means multiple frequencies will be there in each data set. The sar sensor can provide the multi frequency data set if the multi sensors will be used. One sar sensor is going to provide data in one frequency set. So there will be 2 major advantages of synthetic aperture radar, that is Use of polarimetric technique Use of interferometric technique


The P band strengths include high penetration, detection of targets concealed by camouflage, and map forest disturbances.


The L band has a frequency between 1215 to 1300 megahz- and has good penetration strength. Applications include land forestry, environmental monitoring, geology.


The S band is a designation a part of the microwave band of the electromagnetic spectrum covering frequencies from 2 to 4 gigahertz (GHz). Thus it crosses the conventional boundary between the UHF and SHF bands at 3.0 GHz.


The C band has the frequency between 5.25 to 5.57 ghz.C-band satellite communications suffer less from rain attenuation, but they require larger antennas and typically are used in Asia, Africa and Latin America.


The X band has frequency between 9.5 to 9.8 ghz and is sensitive to surface roughness as its wavelength varies from 3.1 cm to 3.2 cm.